I had the privilege of meeting Guido Van Helten. Guido is an Australian native who paints large mural paintings all over the world. 他的旅行将他带到了南达科他州的福克顿,在那里他创作了这幅杰作! This mural is so large that it can be seen from most any point in the town. It is a symbol that small, 农村 South Dakota is...
鼓舞人心的社区领袖是灵活和适应南达科他州不断变化的农村社区, new ways of doing business and economic climate.
鼓舞人心的社区领袖可以定制,以适应您的业务和组织领导力培训需求. Here are some examples of possibilities:
b) Interactive Presentations - Hands-on 2-3...
社区之心 & 灵魂领域指南是一个循序渐进的方法,让人们参与当地的决策和采取行动,以改善他们居住的地方, work, 和玩耍.
The process focuses on getting everyone involved in finding ways to protect, 从长远来看,恢复或增强他们社区的身份-它的核心和灵魂.
The Playbook was created to help overcome these systemic barriers. 它引入了一个进程,鼓励社区将住房视为任何社区发展和经济发展计划的一个相互关联和不可分割的部分. 《澳门十大电子游艺平台》旨在向社区提供技术援助,以制定自己的具体和适当的住房计划,并将社区与resources提供者和筹资机制联系起来...
我们中的许多人都有住在其他地方的朋友和家人,他们想把南达科他州作为他们永久的家. 通过把个人, 雇主, and state government resources together, 达科塔根项目提供了帮助你找到员工来填补职位空缺所需的所有关系. This is not a typical job search website. 达科他根 will match participants with career openings available...
找到合格的员工,尤其是在小众的专业岗位上,可能是一项挑战. As you’ve realized with your need for welders, qualified applicants may not exist in the immediate region, 或者国家! 而不是耸耸肩, we’d like to partner with you on finding qualified employees, even if it means we need to recruit from outside South Dakota. 我鼓励你这么做...
劳动力发展培训补助计划可以用来帮助抵消培训员工的成本. This is a straightforward program and application process. 申请表易于填写,后续报告最少(一次). When using the program to train employees in existing positions, 作为培训的结果,雇员们必须加薪. 这个项目...
南达科他州港口和南达科他州国际贸易中心是帮助公司满足进出口需求的重要resources. Rock Nelson is the contact person for both of these organizations. His contact information can be found at the following websites:
South Dakota International Trade Center
这一激动人心的机会侧重于与当地社区建立战略伙伴关系,以振兴农村企业家及其企业. By intentionally investing financial and human resources, we can grow the capacity of individuals and, 反过来, 发展他们的业务.
GOED (Governor's Office of Economic Development)
No matter what your economic development needs in South Dakota are, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development can probably help. We have an array of resources at our disposal – from financing to research, 从建立人际关系到减少繁文缛节——你可以利用这些来帮助你的新业务或现有业务发展.
SBA (Small 业务 Association) offers information on small business loans, 奖助金, 债券和其他财政援助. Find out which method of financing is right for you!
而小企业管理局并不直接发放贷款, you can find a local lender who can help you with your loan application. 您也可以直接致电605-330-4243与当地SBA代表联系.
SBA (Small 业务 Association) offers information on small business loans, 奖助金, 债券和其他财政援助. Find out which method of financing is right for you!
而小企业管理局并不直接发放贷款, you can find a local lender who can help you with your loan application. 您也可以直接致电605-330-4243与当地SBA代表联系.
随着许多农村社区开创新的未来,一场变革运动正在席卷整个地区. Rural is taking on an exciting new meaning. Small communities are coming alive with big ideas. People are connecting to each other and to a world of opportunity.
重新燃起的希望是动力. And nobody knows it better than the people of Miner County, South...
税后,你带回家多少钱? How much can you buy with your hard earned wages? 你在哪里工作和生活重要吗?
2012年,州长经济发展办公室进行了一项工资研究,通过评估全国的购买力来回答这些问题. 我们研究了按职业划分的工资中位数,然后分析了税收和成本的影响...